Blended Learning Graphic

Hello NAS Families,

We are experiencing an increase in illness and staff shortages this week, making it challenging to have full classes on our regular schedule.  This week we will be in a blended program as we wait for this outbreak to pass.   As always, we are determined that students feel safe coming to campus.  If you are uncomfortable coming in person due to health reasons, you may work on classes from home.  We do encourage students to come in for extra support or if you need technology.  We are staffed with teachers and support providers for students who do come in person, this is a great opportunity to get some individualized learning in a class you might need extra help and time in! Daily attendance will be taken, make sure you are working in each class, or you will be marked absent.   All teachers are available on Google Meets during regular school hours for guidance and support, and of course all classroom assignments are also to be found in Google.  

We will return to regular classes Monday, February 26th, at the regular time.  Thank you and stay safe!